Howard Atkins
What’s he like then?
Howard prides himself on being extremely pragmatic and practical. He will work with almost anyone in any location, and his focus in always on helping his clients in an immediate and realistic way.
Whilst his work is grounded in sound models and concepts, he is a firm believer that theories are only useful if they guide practical action.
He has a reputation amongst both colleagues and clients of being incredibly easy to work with. He doesn’t have a need to take centre stage – he is comfortable leading from the front when necessary, but equally happy to give others space.
Howard has worked in some pretty challenging and stressful (and even dangerous) situations, and is able to remain relaxed and calm under pressure. His positive and relaxed demeanour helps teams under stress to become calmer, think more clearly and take purposeful steps.
Hardy and hard-working, Howard is very clear on boundaries, which he believes are essential for everyone to maintain balance. Once work is over, Howard is pretty good at focusing on other things and helping his clients to do so too.
However important the work or the situation, Howard doesn’t take himself too seriously, and encourages others to always have a healthy sense of perspective on themselves and their role.
What’s he done?
Howard has spent the last 20 years consulting to diverse organisations across the globe. He has worked in over 30 countries and in many sectors from health & international development to finance and luxury brands.
He is passionate about developing leadership at all levels and in all roles, and as such is happy working with everyone from young professionals and recent graduates, right through to executive directors.
Much of his work has been designing and leading leadership programmes for global organisations, focusing on simultaneously developing individual talent and bringing about organisation wide change.
Why does he bother?
Howard believes that nearly everyone comes to work each day wanting to do their very best. However, many aspects of modern organisational life get in the way of people contributing to their full potential.
Howard is passionate about helping people develop their own authentic leadership capabilities, and in encouraging thoughtful and purposeful action to bring about both individual and organisation change.
Is he qualified?
Howard has a Masters in Organisation Development, a post grad Diploma in Organisation Development and a BSc Hons in Economics.
He is qualified in a range of psychometric instruments and currently teaches on the GenQ MSc in Leadership & Quality Improvement, funded by the Health Foundation.
Some quotes to know him by
“Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flow charts. It is about one life influencing another”
John C. Maxwell
“I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers”
Ralph Nader
“We can’t plan life. All we can do is be available for it”
Lauryn Hill
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken”
Oscar Wilde
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