Richard Nichols
Senior Consultant
What’s he like?
Richard is energetic, passionate and creative. He enjoys bringing his breadth of experiences to every intervention, to bring concepts to life.
He is a compassionate listener. He works hard to build relationships where he can provide support and challenge in order to generate new ways of thinking.
He embodies who he is in a full and authentic way seeking to take on the most challenging of moments and turning them into opportunities for change.
A natural edge walker who accepts that sometimes things can get sticky and that all the same there is always light at the end of the tunnel. He is a true believer in the saying- “The only way is through”.
What’s he done?
Richard pursued a career as a professional golfer from an early age and made his way onto the Euro Pro Tour where he competed for several years.
He decided to go back to university and whilst studying he went on to launch several businesses including one that was awarded the best UK Student Company of the Year and the European Student Start-Up Company of the Year.
Richard played a key role in Helly Hansen’s marketing team, working with the sponsored athletes on the Americas Cup and Volvo Ocean Race, as well as managing corporate partnerships, such as Walking with the Wounded and the RNLI. He also worked closely with the product development team to innovate, feeding back comments from the athletes on products that ended up being made into market leading consumer products.
Richard then went onto become a coach and a mentor and joined GameShift to help clients with innovation, leadership and team development. He uses creative methods such as Lego Serious Play to facilitate groups to get their most innovative outcomes.
He has also been creating a range of creative techniques, such as Simulations to enable and further embed teams and leadership development.
He has worked with people from a wide variety of backgrounds and ages offering them tailored and creative interventions. He utilises creative writing, art, personal storytelling, and film as the means for opening the gateways for change.
Why Does he bother?
Richard thrives when helping others. He is passionate about nurturing strong relational skills in individuals, teams and whole organisations. He believes that the starting point for any organisational development is the individual and his or her sense of purpose, role and contribution.
He is fascinated, passionate and inspired by the human capacity to be active participants in designing our own narrative and contributing to the change we want to see in the world.
He believes in the need for all of us to take responsibility for our actions where and whenever we can.
Is he qualified?
Richard has a BA (Hons) in Business Management, an MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from Durham University, and is currently completing his MBA at Exeter University.
Recently he has qualified with his ILM-endorsed Advanced Diploma in Coaching. He volunteers his coaching with a range of charities, and with young professionals transitioning from high performance sport into business. He has completed a range of programmes at Roffey Park in Organisational Development and in Facilitation. He is trained in profiling tools such as the Leadership Development Framework (LDF), which he uses in his coaching practice when developing leaders. He is also a qualified Lego Serious Play facilitator at systems level.
Some quotes to get to know him by:
“Just do the best you can. No one can do better than that”.
John Wooden
“I know that my creative mind is my best weapon”
Tiger Woods
“If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.”
Martin Luther King
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