We are thrilled to welcome back our brilliant friends and colleagues Professor Megan Reitz and John Higgins.
Since the summer of 2023, Megan and John have been researching into spaciousness. In this pop up, to mark the publication of their research report, they’ll be asking people What does spaciousness at work, and in life, mean to you?
Their report – out this week – is called Permission to Pause – Rediscovering ‘Spaciousness’ at Work’. In that report they say:
‘We have become adept at relating to our world in a ‘doing mode’; we attend to action, often focusing through a narrow, instrumental lens of short-term productivity onto targets, metrics, agendas and to-do lists. This is a vital capacity for survival.
It is, however, our contention in this report that, whilst we couldn’t live without this mode, its value to us and our society is deeply dependent on us also being able to employ what we call a ‘spacious mode’, characterised by an expansive, exploratory attention where interdependencies and relationships are foregrounded and, with the pressure of immediate expectations of action absent, a different quality of insight becomes possible.’
We think this is massively important work – and never more necessary than now. Please join us on Wednesday 22nd January, to dig into both their report and your own understanding.
You can sign up here.